Saturday, June 23, 2012


Welcome and thanks for checking out my new blog!  This blog will serve several purposes.  Mainly, I will be using this to keep family and friends (and anyone else who might be interested in what I have to say) updated on where I am in the world and the work that I am doing as I try to find my niche in the ever-evolving field of golf course architecture.

On top of that, I will be using this page to document my travels as I attempt to better understand this great game and the courses and architects that have helped to shape it.  This will include course reviews, profiles of architects both past and present, and possibly the occasional interview.

For a little background, my name is Brian Ross and I am a graduate of the Landscape Architecture program at Virginia Tech.  Go Hokies!  I have loved the game of golf since the moment I swung my first club 17 years ago.  Paired with my long-standing interest in design, it was an easy decision for me to combine these two interests into a career.  The road to here certainly hasn't been pothole-free, but I feel like I am finally at a point where I can begin to make my mark on this industry.  This will be an in-progress autobiography, if you will.  Enjoy!